IET Enterprise Partnership

Sinewave Energy Solutions has been recognised for its engineering professionalism by becoming one of the very first Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) Enterprise Partners.

IET Enterprise Partners are entrepreneurial and innovative SMEs who are committed to professionalism and market success. With SMEs making up 99.7% of all engineering companies (according to Engineering UK 2017, the state of engineering report), the IET has set up its Enterprise Partners scheme to help these companies thrive. The scheme includes supporting the continuing professional development of the enterprise partners’ employees and offering them a wide range of valuable networking opportunities with the IET’s corporate and academic partners – which include some of the UK’s biggest engineering employers and educators.

Mark Organ, IET Head of Membership said:

“SMEs are the lifeblood of the engineering sector, which is currently experiencing a huge skills shortage. The IET is already devoting considerable time and resource to education programmes and scholarships to attract the next generation but it is also vitally important to invest in the current workforce and their professional development. It’s for this reason that we’ve created IET Enterprise Partners so that we can engage with SMEs directly to help them develop their workforce and ultimately their business performance.”

Sinewave Energy Solutions co-director Adam Woodley BEng MIET:

‘‘Sinewave are very proud to become the newest enterprise partner of the IET. We pride ourselves on our quick, flexible and personal approach to a diverging and ever-changing energy sector and we are very excited for what the future holds for Sinewave and the IET.’’

Current IET Enterprise Partners include: Airborne Systems, Aish Technologies, Ashdown Audio Visual, Beckhoff, BG Engineering, Booth Welsh, Bridges, Cadmidium, CHG Electrical, Comau, Cosworth Electronics, Denroy, ETA Projects, Fundamentals, GES Group, GSH Group, Holovis, IUS, Kent Group, Lintott, OC Robotics, Park Air Systems, Peacock Technology, PEME, SA Group, Servelec, Sevcon, Sinewave Energy Solutions, Snelling Business Systems, UK Power Solutions and Xeros.

Engineering SMEs interested in becoming an IET Enterprise Partner, should visit or email


IET Concordat Certificate for Sinewave


SAP’s for Tree Cutting