New HQ

Exciting times ahead for Sinewave Energy Solutions as we move into our new HQ in Swindon. Moving from our existing premises turned out to be slightly harder then originally planned with the “Beast from the east” causing snowy disruptions in all directions. Luckily, we are fully mobile with a fleet of 4×4 Vehicles, kit and a host of determined and enthusiastic individuals, we completed the move in the worst weather of the year! So, less about the snow.

Our new premises is just over 11 times the size of our previous, boasting a 14,000 square foot warehouse and 10,000 square feet of office space. The move, originally brought on by drastically running out of space in our previous premises in Baydon, this move really does set Sinewave up for our growth plans of 2018 and into the future.


Lloyds NERS Partial Accreditation


Upcoming solar projects