Top Scores for Achilles B2 Audit

Specialist High and Low voltage electrical infrastructure contractor, Sinewave Energy Solutions have received 100% marks in their Achilles B2 Audit.

The two-day audit designed for high risk large suppliers providing works or services into the utilities sector is split into two parts; a one-day Management Systems Evaluation and a one day Site based assessment.

Sinewave Energy Solutions are certified to ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management, ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management and ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety.

Gary Devereaux, Head of Operations at Sinewave says “We are incredibility pleased with the results of this year’s audit, it is a testament to our compliance and engineering teams along with the highly robust management system we have in place”.

This Achilles audit is for specialist suppliers who work or provide services on operational sites owned, managed or controlled by a utility.

Our new certificate can be found on our accreditation page.


Sinewave DNO Approved for ALoMCP


IET Concordat Certificate for Sinewave