Sinewave DNO Approved for ALoMCP

Specialist High and Low Voltage infrastructure company Sinewave Energy Solutions have been approved by both Scottish & Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN), Western Power Distribution (WPD) and Energy Assets Networks (EAN) as approved contractors for the Accelerated Loss of Mains Change Programme (ALoMCP). This approval means Sinewave will not require witness testing during the recommissioning of the protection systems allowing for greater flexibly and reduced timescales for the rollout.

With the introduction of the new regulations for G98 and G99 bought into effect March 2019 for new generator projects, there was a need to ensure the stability of previously installed network generators already connected to the grid. The ENA has introduced its programme of ‘Accelerated Loss of Mains Change Programme’. This is an industry led project delivered by National Grid ESO, Distribution Network Operators, and Independent Distribution Network Operators to accelerate compliance with new requirements in the Distribution Code.

This programme aims to level the stability of generators across the network to consider Loss of Main (LoM) protection and their settings. The aim being to reduce the risk of inadvertent tripping and disconnection to reduce system balancing issues by giving National Grid ESO greater latitude with regards to system RoCoF limits.

G59/G83 has been superseded with G99/G98 (as of 28th April 2019) and all new installations agreed for POC to networks after this date will need to comply with G99/G98 . Taking G59 as the example, this still leaves a huge amount of the interfacing relays on the network which still have in operation G59 amendments 1 & 2 which have the old RoCoF and V-shift settings in.

As of September this 2019, there is now a nationwide legal obligation for all asset generation owners to now comply fully with the latest G59(3.4) settings for loss of mains by May 2022. This in reference to disabling V-shift and enabling a 1.000Hz/s rate of change of frequency setting into their relays on sites installed for Point of Connection before Feb 2018.

ENA state It is a requirement of the Distribution Code that all owners of generation installed prior to February 2018, and where the generation equipment is not type-tested, to comply with new setting requirements for the interface protection in accordance with EREC G59. The purpose of the initiative is to consider Loss of Main (LoM) protection and their settings. Owners of generation have to comply with the Distribution Code and have until May 2022 to comply with these modified interface protection requirements.  After that date owners who have not made the change will be the subject of an enforcement programme.”

The full article is here.

Sinewave’s professional commissioning, protection and testing team can assist you in the processes of updating all generator interfacing relays to the latest settings; as well as testing and re-commissioning to ensure compliance.

If you would like to discuss further on how Sinewave can help please do not hesitate to contact us


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