Sinewave hold first Contractor Safety Day in Swindon
Delivering projects safely and successfully for our customers means working closely with contractor partners in specialised areas. Working “Stronger Together” was the theme of our first event held in Swindon as well as launching Sinewave’s 5 Golden Safety Rules.
As Sinewave grows past £30m this year, keeping safety and quality at the centre of our delivery relies on our own internal teams and a network of specialist contractor partners.
Hosting almost sixty business owners, leaders and members of team Sinewave at our first Contractor Safety day gave us the chance to share our vision, standards and best practice, as well as the tools we have used to fuel our growth since 2015.
The theme of the day was “Stronger Together” demonstrating how working together is better both commercially and operationally. It promotes quality in delivery and moves all parties forward in working safely together. We were proud to welcome a keynote speaker to the day from Titanium Talks in Justin Manley.
The day started with an introduction by Sinewave’s Founder & CEO Adam Woodley, sharing the Sinewave growth story along with looking forward the opportunities for our contractor partners over 2024 and 2025.
Sinewave’s Head of SHEQ took over running an interactive session on safety, sharing lessons learned and how we can communicate better collectively. We then launched Sinewave’s five Golden Safety Rules
These rules are to be followed on all Sinewave projects.
Sinewave’s Head of Operations Jon Ivey discussed quality, safety and performance on site as well as customer expectations. A big thank you to SSE who gave permission to share ‘Leah’s Story’ as a part of this – a video sharing an incident where Leah’s father, an SSE employee, sadly never made it home from work.
Next on the agenda was Sinewave’s sustainability pledge of becoming Carbon Neutral. Part of this session was sharing our imminent launch of our new project by project carbon footprint reporting method. We will be working with our contract partners to capture scopes 1,2 & 3 carbon emissions to report and eventually offset.
Rounding off the day, we were proud to welcome Justin Manley from Titanium Talks. Justin suffered a horrific accident on 2014 working in the utilities sector and shared his self-reflection of how mindsets and behaviours influence safety on site. He also provided a thought provoking session and a frank assessment of the contributing factors, with valuable insights on how we can all contribute positively to improving safe behaviours across our businesses.
Our day was closed with a Q&A and closing thoughts by COO Ashley Hutchinson. If one thing was to be taken away…..‘We are stronger together’.