Sinewave's stand down for safety: December 2021

One of Sinewave's core values is Safety. The safety of our team and those working around us is our number one priority and part of how we manage this is through quarterly stand down for safety days which include toolbox talks and presentations.

While the emphasis of the day is safety we also use the day as an opportunity to update the whole team on the businesses performance and our plans for the future. December 2021 was especially important as we shared our vision for the next three years including growth beyond the £11m expected in this year to and ambitious £27m+ in the next two years.

Presenting to almost 70 people is a new challenge for us, but communication is key!

December saw three challenges. First accommodating almost 70 of us in one place, second keeping the day interesting while getting across important information, and third having a Christmas Party immediately after the mornings presentations!

We achieved all three by taking the team off site utilising the Abbey Hotel in the centre of Bath for the day, including a Christmas lunch and party. The basement 'Escape' room housed the team through the morning in a classroom format becoming a party venue in the afternoon.

Having a Christmas party combined with a stand down day worked well off site. Christmas jumpers were encouraged, bordering on required!

One of the themes of the day was communication, both internal and external, as we launched new initiatives such as MAD - "Make a Difference" for internal improvements, a new customer portal for file and report sharing more efficiently and even a new vehicle checks app to make the daily and weekly vehicle inspections easier for operational teams.

The companies leadership recognised rapid growth is presenting a new challenge as communication with the whole business gets harder. The first step in improving this is recognising it and opening discussing it company wide which follows our ethos of transparency. We're also determined to maintain our focus on safety so although these days are becoming more challenging the theme will continue!

Needless to say the team enjoyed the Christmas Party and celebrations as well as the more serious morning's business, and we wish all of our customers, suppliers and team a very happy Christmas and best wishes for 2022.

#TeamSinewave is almost 70 strong now as our December stand down for safety day happened off site at The Abbey Hotel, Bath


Phase two of office refurbishment complete


**Project Update - Conrad Energy appoint Sinewave**